I have been an R&D engineer with Sixense Mapping, where I am in charge of computer vision/machine learning projects at ScanLab, an excellence center for Vinci Construction. Before joining Sixense, I were an Eurofusion engineering fellow with the CEA Cadarache, France, where I were in charge of the conception and development of a software platform for the exploitation of infra-red imaging diagnostics in nuclear fusion devices (WEST tokamak and Wendelstein 7-X stellarator) .
My projects are briefly presented on my project page, and my CV is available here.
R&D Engineer in charge of computer vision/machine learning at ScanLab (an excellence center for Vinci Construction)
Specific tasks: development of a novel algorithm for automatic detection of accropodes from point cloud, development of deep learning-based defects detection (of civil structures such as building concrete crack, concrete spalling, ...) from orthophoto using Convolutional Neural Networks..
Working program: conception and development of a software platform for the exploitation of infrared thermography and visible diagnostics in nuclear fusion devices (WEST tokamak and W7-X stellarator).
Specific tasks: algorithm design (object detection, deep learning technique) and programming (in C++ with TensorFlow) for thermal event detection and tracking, development of the visual GUI application of the system (with Qt library).
My PhD thesis is devoted to the detection of shadows, vegetation and buildings from single high resolution optical remote sensing images.
The first contribution of the thesis introduces a novel method that detects simultaneously shadows and vegetation from an high resolution optical image.
The second contribution of the thesis is a novel approach (ICIP paper and JSTARS paper) for the automated detection of buildings from monocular VHR optical images.
I have served as a teaching assistant during my PhD. I have experience in two modes of instruction: a) workshops for solving problems in classrooms and b) practice of programming using C and Matlab. Specifically, I have been in charge of four courses (for first- and second-year engineer students): image processing with Matlab programming, signal processing, numerical analysis and statistics.
My engineering intership was devoted to geolocate fish (european bar) from data storage tags. We presented a new hidden markov model that infers pelagic fish positions from the sole use of high-resolution temperature and depth histories. The project is detailed in this paper.
Thesis title: “Shadow/Vegetation and Building Detection from single optical remote sensing image”.
Supervisor: Christophe Collet, Professor and Vincent Mazet, Associate Professor, Télécom Physique Strasbourg.
Speciality: Signal, Image, Embedded Systems and Automatics - option Image (SISEA-I).
Grade: excellent (17.31/20).
The PFIEV (Programme de Formation d’Ingénieurs d’Excellence au Vietnam) program trains excellent engineers in Vietnam, supported by a consortium of Grandes Ecoles and validated by the French Commission des Titres d’Ingénieurs (CTI).
In 2010, I was one of two students of the "Telecommunication" class awarded the Vietnamese Government Scholarship to study in France.
Programming languages:
Libraries: OpenCV, Qt, TensorFlow, Keras, Scikit-learn, Numpy, Scipy, Pandas
I read a lot of books. Most of them are non-fiction. The last book I read was "21 lessons for 21st century" by Yuval Noah Harari.
In my free time, I play with my daughter.